This weekend was the semi annual General Conference for the
I tried to prepare myself and my family with things to do while listening. I am not the type to sit in front of the TV for 8 hours (I have been known to fall asleep). I like to listen while doing other things. I don't expect my girls to listen to every speaker but I want them to feel the Spirit and at least be reverent. A simple task, right? Well my 2 year old loves to talk like it's her job and often screams when upset. At one point I had had it. I broke into tears and pleaded for them to just go play upstairs. Ok, let me just say that looking back I think my girls probably thought I was crazy because I was in tears and just wanted them to be quiet. I know it sounds nuts but I really try hard to get what I need to learn from our church leaders. As conference came to an end, my E was quietly playing with her Barbies and M was taking a nap (hallelujah) and President Monson was waving to the camera. I looked over and E was waving back to the TV and said, "Mom he's waving to me!"
My heart was overwhelmed that she felt that he was waving to her. I turned to mush because she WAS listening, and noticed the Prophet waving to HER! To her, it meant something. Despite all the craziness that day, she was able to feel something and I realized that it truly is the simple things that matter most.
I could tell E was listening when it was on at my house on Saturday too. Way cute blog Staci. I loved your comments. It is the small things that matter most. I love President Monson too. My testimony was strengthened by General Conference.