Monday, February 28, 2011

Another Favorite

I love un-du.  It is great for removing any type of adhesive.
I use it all the time on things from removing a price tag sticker
to a picture on a scrapbook layout (if I've changed my mind).  It removes the adhesive then when it dries you can reuse it! 
Amazing stuff.  It is a must have. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Too Young?

How old should a person start having the children do chores?
Around our house it's...2
*Don't mind that she stands on the door!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

My New Ride

Four years ago a few friends and I wanted to do a duathlon.  I didn't have a road bike so I borrowed (and then bought) this black bike from my sister-in-law.  I love riding.  It was tricky at first because the tires are so skinny and getting used to clips was painful, but I loved the bike.  Little did I know that bikes are sized according to your height.  The black bike is a size 52 and I need a 48.  It is a great bike but I felt like it was a bit too big for me.  I mentioned to a friend that I really want a new bike, not anything fancy, just one that fits me.  She said that she had a friend that had a bike that is too small for her.  I was finally able to get together with her and switched bikes.  It is pretty much the same bike bit is is a much better fit.  I love the color - it will be much easier to find at triathlons.  
Bring on the warm weather so we can get out and ride! 
Old    vs.    New

Of course, I couldn't just leave the bike alone.
I added some pink to it!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Family Home Evening

I just received an email from my friend, (thanks Jen) and I am excited to share it with you...

Hello friends,
Family home evening has always been a big deal at my house. And I have already seen miraculous results because of it. For example, my 9 year old son came home from school one day and told me that a boy at school had asked him if he had seen a certain PG-13 movie. My son told his friend, "My mom won't let me see that movie." His friend replied, "Why don't you just come over to my house and watch it? She'll never know." I asked my son how he responded, and he told me that he said, "I believe the commandment says to honor thy father and thy mother." The spirit testified to me instantly that my son reacted that way, without hesitation and with confidence, as a direct result of the many family home evenings we have had talking about media standards, peer pressure, honesty, and the commandments.
James E. Faust said: "I wonder if having unplanned and infrequent family home evenings will be enough to fortify ourselves and our children with sufficient moral strength to meet the complexities of our day . . . To combat the world's evil influences, we need the strength that comes from family home evening." (Ensign, Jun 2003, 2–6)
I feel so strongly about family home evening that I have created an FHE file with 15 weeks of lessons, visual aids, object lessons, board games, and over 50 pages of FHE lesson plans and worksheets. I'm only doing one printing of this FHE file, so it will only be available for a limited time. Have a great month!
Use coupon code FREESHIP when checking out for FREE SHIPPING

I just bought one!!!

I'm a Model...

As I was drooling over the athleta catalog, I found myself.
Maybe it is just the glasses, but I think that I should get paid for modeling or at least get a kick back or discount of some sort!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Camera Strap Cover

Ivem been wanting a black and white polka dot camera strap cover
(I change my mind a lot, so it can't be permanent) for a while now but just haven't found the time to do it until now...
 I totally match my new strap - funny!!!
Thanks to for the awesome and easy tutorial!!!

I added a pocket for my lens cap.
Don't tell anyone, but I glued it on using liquid stitch
because I couldn't figure out how to sew it together.
*If you do this...make sure you put something like waxed paper in the pocket and in the strap cover itself so it doesn't glue everything together.

Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day!

I am so GRATEFUL for good K teachers.  E has a good one.  She came home on Friday with a darling George Washington hat and told me all about President's Day (like who were the 1st and 16th Presidents).  I would have never even thought about telling her about President's Day.  I am just so excited the Mr. doesn't have to work that day!

After a few days of being sick it was so good to finally get out!
I started my day by with meeting with my personal trainer OK it was FREE when I signed up for my gym membership.  She is not mine it just sounds cool!
When I talked to her earlier this week she asked what my goals were.  I told her that I need some help on nutrition and I hope that that will help me lose the last few pounds that I've been having trouble with.
I'm not saying I have a lot of weight to lose.  I am just frustrated that I exercise a lot but I'm not looking the way I think I should. 
So here is what I found out...
I need to add GOOD proteins to my diet and fewer carbs! Also I need to really count my calories.
I'm turning into my husband

Total Daily intake
40% Carbs
30% Protein
30% Good Fats

That should be easy, right?!
I have got to change a few things and I'll let you know any good finds
I encounter along the way.

We headed to Gateway to get our shopping on - The Mr. had to go to work so while he worked we spent his money!
First stop, a must.- Build A Bear (just for an outfit).
E told me that her bear needed a summer outfit.
We are all ready for some warmer weather.
The Girls were so tired when we got home that they couldn't even walk up the stairs to get ready for bed!!!
What a Great Day!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pajama Jeans?

Look what I found...

I think I NEED a pair since I HATE jeans.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Make It Fit!

 I have found a way to make my stretched out swimsuit work!
The only thing that is wrong with this swim suit is that it is a little stretched out/too low in the front.
(I wish I could fill it out!!!)

*Try your suit on first and determine how much you need to cut off.
First I unpicked the stitches at the shoulder (this is were my seam was). 
I love using a razor blade as my unpicker.  It is so much easier and it doesn't tear the fabric.
I had to unpick pretty far down because I was taking off a few inches.
I surged where I wanted the new seam.  If you don't have a surger, cut off the excess material then zig zag the seam back and forth several times.
Fold the sides over (like it was before you started).  Sew while pulling on the fabric - that way it will have a stretch to it without poping the stitch. Repeat this again so it has two rows of stiching

Repeat on the other side (matching it to the first side).
A new swim suit, well at least it fits that way!
It is a little snug around the arms but it will work!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Workout Shirt!

The other day I was searching online to find me a new triathalon shirt and come across
(Not what I was looking for, but funny)

So I made this...
Silhouette Machine + old shirt + freezer paper stenciling (I heart this girl) =
new shirt!
         Someday, I'll Suck Too...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy LOVE Day

Every Day is Love day at our house!!!
cheesy I know

The day started out with a heart attack!!!
followed by heart PINK Pancakes
Sorry no pics.  I forgot - crazy, running late morning!

Valentine Skirts!!!  I love making these (I will be doing a tutorial soon)
Class party at E's school - I love going to school with her!

Shopping in Salt Lake (I will show my great finds later)
and dinner to break the diet at Trolley Square.

Happy Valentines
I hope you had a GREAT day too!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Sunday

I LOVE THIS!!!  How wonderful ALL our lives would be if we can just remember, especially in the midst of the tough stuff, that we are sons and daughters of a God who loves us so dearly and wants to guide us through.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

FREE Love Day Pic

Check these pics out!!!  They are so cute and so FREE.
Go to for more FREE stuff.  I heart this girl - she is amazing.

Have a good weekend!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Discount Code from Posh Posies

Posh Posies is offering Dang Good Finds readers
50% off on all products
go to and use coupon code
good until 2-17-11
 Good for adults and children!
Check out her shop HERE

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Little Red

I'm IN!  Are you? 
Little Red 2011
Some friends and I are doing this ride in June.  We are excited.  They did it last year and loved it.  We have already started our costumes (I show some pics when they are done)!  So fun.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Bandidos Border Grill (in Layton) is my new favorite Mexican restaurant.  I just found on (type Bandidos in the keyword search) they have a $26.00 gift certificate for 50% off, plus use the code BAND20 and get another 20% off and FREE SHIPPING. 
Be quick cause this may not last long.
$10.40 for $26.00 of food (does not include tip)
*We went to Bandidos for M's b-day.  That girl loves salsa!!!  Look at that look she gave the Mr. for stealing some of her salsa.

This is my 3rd time using city deals - I heart a good find!


I found this quote and I love it. Thought I would share.
"I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautiful tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails. I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp. I want to be there with grass stains on my shoes from mowing Sister Schenk's lawn. I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbor's children. I want to be there with a little dirt under my nails from helping weed someone's garden. I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheek and the tears of a friend on my shoulder. I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived."
-Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby!

This weekend we did some celebrating!!!
I can't believe my baby is now...

or in her words, eight -  holding up one finger!
Who wants to smile when there is so much candy?
*I have a new found respect for cake decorators.
2 is better than 1!

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
We love you so much.  We are grateful to have you part of our family.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Love Notes

Here's an idea to make someone's day a little brighter!
Leave them a little note.
To start you will need a few stamps/pads and some cardstock.
I found these stamps at Micheals Arts and Crafts for $1 each.
Stamp on cardstock.  *Thanks E for your help!  She loves to stamp.
Cut them out.
All done! 
Leave them on their pillow, on their car, with their lunch, pretty much anywhere!
Can be used alone or you can write on the back!
I like it when I find one in my lunch as well!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lazy Days

Having a sick kid is the worst ok i kinda like it because they like to snuggle.  We have watched a lot of tv, done a lot of laundry, cleaned up a lot of gross things and tried to just be there for her.  One of my favorite movies that we watched was...
I know I'm about 6 months late on this but we just saw this for the first time and absolutely loved it.  This one is definitely one to buy!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stuffy Nose?

I have found my Neti Pot to be the best thing to clear out my sinuses.  It is crazy how it cleans them out and makes it easier to breathe.  It also helps with the dry air in winter by keeping the sinuses moist.  The Neti Pot helps during allergy season as well.
It's a little weird getting used to it, but it feels so good once the mucus is flushed out! 
I have also found that Advil Cold and Sinus is WONDERFUL for treating colds!
(The generic brand doesn't work as well)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sooo Cute

Sunday afternoon we where cleaning up after dinner and had Taylor Swift's "Speak Now" CD going and the song "Never Grow Up" came on.  The lyrics are so cute.  It made me really think, and shed a few tears about how fast time is going by.  My girls are growing up so fast.  Where does the time go? 

I can't find the official video - so just listen to the words.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Johnny Kolache

If you are ever in Salt Lake you have got to try Johnny Kolache. It is unlike anything I have ever tasted. Go early because once they are gone they're gone. They are even great frozen and eaten later. Sometimes Johnny is there. He is hilarious. Ask to sign the wall. We did!
900 S. 248 W. Salt Lake City

 This is our new friend - Johnny wasn't there that day!
