I am so GRATEFUL for good K teachers. E has a good one. She came home on Friday with a darling George Washington hat and told me all about President's Day (like who were the 1st and 16th Presidents). I would have never even thought about telling her about President's Day. I am just so excited the Mr. doesn't have to work that day!
After a few days of being sick it was so good to finally get out!
I started my day by with meeting with my personal trainer OK it was FREE when I signed up for my gym membership. She is not mine it just sounds cool!
When I talked to her earlier this week she asked what my goals were. I told her that I need some help on nutrition and I hope that that will help me lose the last few pounds that I've been having trouble with.
I'm not saying I have a lot of weight to lose. I am just frustrated that I exercise a lot but I'm not looking the way I think I should.
So here is what I found out...
I need to add GOOD proteins to my diet and fewer carbs! Also I need to really count my calories.
I'm turning into my husband
Total Daily intake
40% Carbs
30% Protein
30% Good Fats
That should be easy, right?!
I have got to change a few things and I'll let you know any good finds
I encounter along the way.
We headed to Gateway to get our shopping on - The Mr. had to go to work so while he worked we spent his money!
First stop, a must.- Build A Bear (just for an outfit).
E told me that her bear needed a summer outfit.
We are all ready for some warmer weather.
The Girls were so tired when we got home that they couldn't even walk up the stairs to get ready for bed!!!
What a Great Day!